Acupuncture A Natural Approach to Healing

Acupuncture is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to treat various health conditions in both humans and animals. In veterinary acupuncture, fine, sterile needles are inserted into specific points on your dog’s body to stimulate their natural...

The current status of IVDD reduction in Australia

Let’s be honest, progress in reducing the incidence of Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in Dachshunds across Australia has been frustratingly slow. Despite DISA’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness through its website and social media, the lack of substantial...

Environment & lifestyle factors

Why it is that we are now seeing an explosion of IVDD, particularly over recent times? As we already know, IVDD has a strong genetic (chondrodystrophy short-legs) and heritable (runs in families) aspect. The fact that Dachshunds are a short-legged breed remains the...


Did you know that the intervertebral discs sit between the vertebrae (bones) and act as shock absorbers? The vertebral spine is made up of 7 vertebrae in the cervical neck region, 13 in the middle thoracic section and another 7 in the lower lumbar back region. In...