

Ollie who is loved by Carol and lives in Port Macquarie NSW.  He is a Choc Caramel miniature Dachshund who turned 8 years young in October 2020.

This is his IVDD story 

He joined our family on 2/6/2018 after being adopted from a Rescue organisation. He was very overweight and we started walking and put him on an appropriate healthy regime. In late July 2018, I noticed he wasn’t his happy self and took him to our vet who said he had some issues with his spine. Crate rest was recommended. The next day Ollie began drunk walking and then lost the use of his back legs.

We were recommended conservative treatment and Ollie started an intensive course of Laser Therapy at Bellingen Vets. He was boarded with a Breeder and the Vet whilst he had daily therapy and then 3 times a week for 2 months. During this time Ollie developed a severe infection in his back legs. This was treated with medication and skin grafts. He was lucky not to have his leg amputated. Ollie came home to us in Sept 2018 whilst continuing to have weekly Laser Therapy and Acupuncture. The vet also found Ollie some wheels which provided him with much-needed exercise and mental stimulation without and pressure on his spine.

Via the IVDD FB Support Group, I was recommended to complete an online Assessment with Brooke at Holistic Animal Physiotherapy who developed an in-home rehab programme for Ollie and myself to action.  We needed this due to no other rehab options being available in our area. Ollie enjoyed twice daily massages after heat packs being applied to his back; toothbrush stimulation and walks on a Gingerlead increasing from 5 minutes twice daily.

Soon after coming home, we noticed Ollie beginning to stand up to eat meals and his legs where beginning to walk in his wheels. His walking further improved whilst he was in his Gingerlead.  By Christmas Ollie was walking by himself albeit with an IVDD tilt. He takes himself to his bed to rest when he tires.

Ollie continues to enjoy his massages and has another Laser Therapy followup in May. He is our miracle doggie.