Dachshund IVDD Support Australia (DISA) volunteers moderate a Facebook group exclusively open to Dachshund owners residing in Australia and Oceania regions whose dogs have IVDD.
We are a community dedicated to raising awareness and supporting Dachshunds and their owners affected by Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). Whether you are seeking advice, sharing experiences, or seeking resources, this group is here to offer a supportive and informative space for all things IVDD-related.
How to Join the Dachshund IVDD Support Facebook Group
- Read the Group Rules of Conduct
Familiarise yourself with the Dachshund IVDD Support Facebook Rules of Conduct before applying to join the group. - Apply to Join
Once you have reviewed the rules, click the link below to start your application:
Dachshund IVDD Australia Facebook Group - Complete the Screening Questions – Note: All membership applications will be carefully reviewed.
QUESTION 1 – Check ONE box only
A. Yes, my DACHSHUND has been formally diagnosed with IVDD, and I reside in Australia.
B. Yes, but I haven’t been to a vet/specialist yet. (URGENT: Seek veterinary advice, and once a firm diagnosis is made, you’re welcome to reapply.)
C. I am currently fostering a DACHSHUND diagnosed with IVDD. (Provide further details in Question 2.)
D. No, I own another breed that has been diagnosed with IVDD. (While we don’t have the capacity to support all breeds, we freely offer helpful information on our website and Facebook page for other breeds affected by IVDD.)
QUESTION 2 – Answer FIVE Questions in the Text Box
Provide your responses in the format below:
- Q1: Town & State
- Q2: Age & Name of Dachshund
- Q3: Who diagnosed your hound with IVDD? (Include the name of the Specialist/Vet & Location)
- Q4: Are you the primary owner?
- Q5: Name of rescue (if fostering)
QUESTION 3 – Place a ✔️ in the Relevant Checkbox
What is the current status of your IVDD Dachshund?
A. Has been diagnosed by Vet/Specialist and is being treated conservatively.
B. Has been diagnosed by Vet/Specialist and awaiting surgery.
C. Has been diagnosed by Vet/Specialist and has undergone surgery.
D. Has had a relapse from a previous episode.
Final Step: Acknowledge that you have read and agree to the group rules of conduct.
- Review Process
Your application will be reviewed by our moderators.
- Incomplete Applications: If you fail to answer all questions or acknowledge the rules, your application will be automatically declined by Facebook moderation tools.
- To ensure approval, carefully follow the guidelines when completing your application.
- Occasionally, Facebook doesn’t cooperate with applications, and owners are unable to complete the qualifying questions. Please do not repeatedly reapply, as Facebook’s moderation tools will continue to auto-decline after one hour.
If you experience issues, please message the DISA Facebook Page via this link: DISA Facebook Page Message. Share your answers with the admins, and your application will be reviewed manually.
NOTE: DISA is unable to assist with emergency care, boarding or accommodation as this is not within our purpose. If you are looking for these types of services we suggest you reach out to your vet, specialist, allied service provider, your local dachshund owners’ group or DISA – accommodation for ivdd hounds.
NOTE: DISA and its representatives are not veterinarians or healthcare professionals and are unable to provide advice if you suspect your dachshund is displaying signs and symptoms of an IVDD episode. First, seek urgent professional advice before asking to join the support group. Need a specialist?