Acupuncture A Natural Approach to Healing
Acupuncture is an ancient practice that has been...
The current status of IVDD reduction in Australia
Let's be honest, progress in reducing the...
Environment & lifestyle factors
Why it is that we are now seeing an explosion of...
Neuropathic pain
Disorders of the somatosensory* system such as...
Sand – why soft sand should be avoided
IVDD is a lifelong condition; once a spine is...
Keeping nails at a safe length Most Dachshunds...
Slippery Floor Syndrome
A no-no for dogs and a BIG NO NO for IVDD...
Urinary Tract Infections
My vet has officially classified Coco as a...
Crate rest – making it fun
Enrichment & brain games for our dachshunds...
Crate & Pen Rest – why it’s crucial
Whoever said crate resting a Dachshund was easy...
Neuter/Spay Lifestyle Tips
Should you do it and when is the best time? This...
Weight & body condition – Lifestyle Tip
Since IVDD is a disease with a strong genetic...